First Preview❤️ ((feedback and comments are nice, i like reading them. And if you wanna talk to me privately about the story or the anime ill respond too :D))
"Well, my, my, my." Snipe mumbles through his oddly shaped mask. He pulls down the front of his Cowboy hat with a piece of metal that has an 'S' imprinted on it.
"I can't believe we let them escape after everything they did here." MidNight drops her whip to her hip, finishing her climb up the mainsteps that she hadn't traveled that far down. Her silky black hair falls over the disappointing and mad expression on her face.
Vlad King puts Nezu on the ground in front of him. "They did catch us completely by surprise." Nezu starts, putting his paws behind his back. "For now, we need to make sure all the students are okay."
MidNight and Snipe nod.
"If all the pro teachers are gathered here, it must mean the rest of the school's safe." Todoroki scratches the back of his neck. "The villains attacked this facility, but not the rest of the campus." He ponders, dropping his hand to rest back on his knee as he sits in a crouching position.
"ugh, shut it will you icyhot..."
(( Thats all i want to show for now...see you next time...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ))