
Hey guys! I'm just about to write the first chapter to Delayed (An Everlark Story) so it'll be published in a few hours, if not tomorrow! I can't wait for you to read it! 


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Sup guys! I have some pretty awesome ideas for my upcoming story so far and right now my real life friends are helping me come up with a few more main ideas, (they gave me some pretty fucking amazing ideas) so I'm going to start writing soon! 


Hey guys!! Just thought I should let you know I'm currently working on the epilogue to Panem High on my laptop! (I'm on my phone right now lol) it's not going to be as long as most of my chapters since an epilogue but it will be up in approximately a half an hour!


Just a quick update for you guys!!
          I'm deleting If You Knew Me, Would You Leave Me? Because I just don't have the inspiration for it. Sorry guys .
          Also, on my laptop I am currently working on the Last chapter for Panem High and then the epilogue! Expect those tonight! 
          I hope you accept my choices and after tonight I will not be making a new story until later next month. I really want to improve/mature my writing skills for you!
          See you soon!


Hello guys, please excuse my Un-explained absence; I am terribly sorry . I've been super busy these months especially with travelling places. 
          I will be updating my stories more frequently but the chapters will be kind of short (eventhough they already are ) 
          But do you guys even like my stories? If so PLEASE just let me know. It would mean a lot. 
          Mockingjay out ✌️