I’m so even joking but it’s so heartbreaking watching your views go down so drastically. Like I don’t wanna sound ungrateful but I was having hundreds of views a day on here when I was posting Ich Liebe Dich, Lena and my other books and now I’m lucky if I even get 20 views in a day. My TikTok views are the same. I used to get some vids close to the 10k mark but now I’m lucky if I even get 900 views. Like I sound so ungrateful rn but it is seriously so heartbreaking and I know this series wasn’t my best but I didn’t think my views would go down this much. I just hope my next series runs better because if not then I’m posting all of that and my next series after that and then I might just give up on all of this because no one seems to be reading these anymore. Either way I’m having my 3 week break after this series just to reset and try to feel better about everything because I’m also constantly ill at the moment and I’m struggling to catch up on my writing at the moment so I just wanna spend a few weeks working on catching up and trying to get better x

@bethxo16 just feels like no one does. I hardly get any comments or likes or votes on my chapters and my views are just so low. Like my TikTok vid yesterday only got 300 views and i guarantee you most of those were bots. It just hurts so much because it’s my own work that I spent a while doing and I know it’s not as good as my others but I hoped for a bit more than what I’m currently getting