Hey girlie, I know it's been a long time I just wanted to say that for the first time in a long time, I let myself relax and I watched the httyd movies again after years. It made me think of these stories and how much your story specifically helped me through a really rough part of life. I came back to reread, and I noticed immediately that your beautiful work of art is gone. But that's not what I'm worried about the most. I know you've said you struggled mentally, and I find it heavily concerning knowing you haven't been active in a while. I just hope you know that you are incredibly missed here and that we all love what your creative mind has brought to us. I also know that an incomplete story can stick with you forever, even if it's fan fiction- we all tend to hold ourselves to that high standard. If you feel ashamed for not finishing the story the way you wanted to- please don't. Sincerely, from my heart, I believe that story was a masterpiece of true life lessons and love. It doesn't matter that it was fanfiction or even that it was incomplete- it truly saved me in a time of terrible mental health myself and It has a place in my heart. So do you. I hope you are doing well and I hope you know even though you may not have had the community and friends you wished for in real life, you have that here, always. I miss you so much, we all do! A year won't pass where I won't think of this era of my life because it meant that much to me. if you read this, I can only hope it brings you the comfort and happiness you deserve. <3