
          	the pleasure's all mine ;) keep up your good work !


HIYA!!!!!!!!!! I was reading Heels Over Head and I noticed your picture in the 'others reading this' section and we seemed to be reading at the same time so I clicked on you and i found we actually seem to read some of the same books so I wanted to be your friend! WOW that sounds kinda stalkerish.... oh well!


dictionary, wow. :) I am reading a lot too, everynight i read a book from my phone and watching movies in english. I've that habit also, thinking english or speaking english with myself. And I've dreamed in english once. :) I can understand what i read but when it comes to write, i am horrible. :) And yeah i think your english is good.


Still highschool. I am also going to the university next year. What did you do for make your english better? Uhmm.. Like exercise or something. I have a lot of deficient and I want to make it perfect, maybe not perfect but like i said before i am going to the university next year and I have to make it better.


I want that too. I want to see all the asian countries. So you asked me about Turkey. Turkey have a nice weather and have a nice tourist destinations. Umm, I don't know, you can ask me what you want to know. :)