
"you can if you try
          	and then by and by
          	youll get to the top
          	and you never will stop
          	as days pass along 
          	you will always stay strong
          	look for love in mankind
          	and thats just what youll find"


I try to look at the world in a postive way against negative. Like looking at a glass with water, yeah, I guess you could say its half empty, the way I liked to say is that the glass is half full. Same with life, you could say your dying or say or your living. There is always two ways at looking at things in life. The - way or the + way. But like would if your in such a crappy mood and your in the worst case sinerio like your dying or somebody you love is dying. Dont think that they will be gone forever, think positive, think that they are meeting God and sooner or later your going to join them. There is always a plus side. (:


"What I realized is that if I change you will noticed me, but the changed me would never be me so in the end after I went through the struggles of morphing into something im not, you didnt noticed me you noticed the thing I became for you. But guess what im tired of this stupid act, tired of the restless remembering who I was. For now on I will be me, not the person you saw. If that means that I will return to the shadows to you. then be it. cause all what I have done was a total waste of time for your sorry ass. and im sorry that you wont have pleasure of having the real me in your life."    


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” 
          ― H. Jackson Brown Jr., P.S. I Love You