I am so impressed with your writing!! Your hunter stuff is so so so well done and I hope you know how talented you are!! Dont stop writing!! You’re really good at it:))

I just saw this! Do what you love for you not for others! Im so gonna check out your music stuff! I would love to see how you’ve improved! I post tik toks of my art, i understand how you feel. You gain this like attention from others when they LOVE something you make and in that moment you enjoy it but your interests change and you wanna try something else!! Its a tough thing, but what i have realized is to do what you want to do. If you’re happy than thats what matters! :) i hope you always write and you can find that comfortable, happy middle that you feel satisfied with! Im still looking for it myself!! Haha!

Thank you!!! My passion for the owl house has died a bit and have been writing music related stories recently as oneshots recently, and I must admit I’ve advanced quite a bit since I wrote that book. I think I specialise in oneshots hahaha. I’m working on another Hunter oneshot at the moment, I’ve got a lot on my mind because I really want to continue writing for the music oneshots but… no one seems to be really interested in it, guess I gotta go back to the og!