
          //We dooooooo ugh
          Porter stared after the man looking him up and down observing him closely. The man was always so well dressed it intrigued him. Was Alexander some type of important business man? 
          His face flushed a little as he turned his gaze away trying to clear away such thoughts.


          He just shrugged as he briefly glanced away from Alexander looking deep in thought now, a sigh escaped from him. “I really don’t want you to apologize for someone else’s behavior. That just means he wasn’t actually sorry for it. But that’s just my philosophy.” 
          He looked back at the man looking unsure as he briefly shook his hand, then pulled it away. “I’d say it’s nice to meet you too but…I’m not sure. We’ve only had two very brief conversations in total.”


          Porter felt someone sensing rather close to him so when he glanced over he looked rather surprised, his eyes beginning to sparkle. “Oh I know you. You’re the nice guy who had saved me back in the club. Thank you…but I never got your name.” 
          He seemed almost awkward at that not knowing his own saviors name. “I’m Porter.” He whispered.