
Hey, I just finished reading "Me and You" and I wanted to congratulate with you on the quality of your writing skills and overall content - I'm 24 years old and have been reading fanfics forever (I'm a sad person, I know) and the more I grow up the more difficult it seems to find a really good one. I'm really picky. I like when characters are deep and well described, main plot events are not rushed and when you can see the author did their research. And this one is really beautiful, honestly, I'll probably read it a second time soon. Keep up the good work :)


Hey! I'm in the process of writing a Sons Of Anarchy fic! It's called Dreadful Things and it'd mean the world to me if you could check it out. Feedback is always appreciated as it only encourages me to keep going! Thank you and have a lovely day xx


@blackbow_ Hey. I'm honoured that you'd ask, and I'd love to have a look for you. I'll be sure to leave you a message when I've read it. I always appreciate feedback as well, so if you could return the favour I'd be very grateful. All the best xx