
How do u even study dreams? I keep a dream journal. Oneirology is the study of dreams. 
          	Oneirology is the scientific approach to understanding dreams in relation to the functions of the brain.  lol something that Princess Luna does? She protects ponies from nightmares Is it similar to an interpreter? Someone who interprets dreams. 
          	Oneirology - the study of dreams and their interpretation
          	Kinda goes with my career theory. 
          	Twilight sparkle- princess of friendship
          	Starlight Glimmer- counselor 
          	Rainbow dash- military wonderbolts 
          	Fluttershy - animal sanctuary 
          	Applejack - farmer 
          	Pinkie- party planner 
          	Dream Wisher- Oneirologist 
          	Sunset Shimmer taking care of rogue magic lol 


How do u even study dreams? I keep a dream journal. Oneirology is the study of dreams. 
          Oneirology is the scientific approach to understanding dreams in relation to the functions of the brain.  lol something that Princess Luna does? She protects ponies from nightmares Is it similar to an interpreter? Someone who interprets dreams. 
          Oneirology - the study of dreams and their interpretation
          Kinda goes with my career theory. 
          Twilight sparkle- princess of friendship
          Starlight Glimmer- counselor 
          Rainbow dash- military wonderbolts 
          Fluttershy - animal sanctuary 
          Applejack - farmer 
          Pinkie- party planner 
          Dream Wisher- Oneirologist 
          Sunset Shimmer taking care of rogue magic lol 


I happen to dislike Afros, I have enough dreams about Sunset Shimmer to fill a book. Maybe same with African Americans. Why it explains it in my backstory. 
          What’s the cause my non- best friend abounded me, African American males traumatized me. I was bullied, an African American female called me a snitch, was teased, saw a couple Afro female in a fight they broke a table. The list goes on and on. 
          If a black person say my name in a conversation I get a feeling of them snitching or gossiping on me. At work I tried helping them, they didn’t need my help so I don’t help them in return. 
          They thought I was yelling or harassing them, they harassed me first.  I guess if my friend hadn’t left I wouldn’t believe characters exist. Bc of Afro, I’ve entered villiany. They caused me to change. Now I want revenge on them just not sure how.
          Another problem don’t have fighting skills, have violent thoughts tho. Seeing them in my mind I want to attack. Feeling as if I’m a black person, I hate it. “Seeing them is a recurring nightmare” 
          When I first feel the tension, I feel like a wild charizard. Maybe instinct of I’m ready having a Pokémon battle. Any way now I believe black folk put me out of a job. That is why I hate African Americans, possibly bc I’m scared of them.  
          STAY OUT OF MY HEAD! 
          If I’m corrupted by Equestrian magic I’ll be Night Terror by now which maybe possible did dream of a symbol of rain cloud and rainbow rain


Gotta do something with theses coloring pages. Mostly save some for stain glass but don’t have the ink glue anymore. Mostly washable glue and food coloring. 
          I also dreamt of dying my hair red twice one using shampoo hair color and magma hair dye and maybe see myself in leather. Recently dreamt of rainbow hair curlers or rainbow beads
          And math equations. (Random dream) I also make fanart and comics 


Just finish reading long road to friendship now sunset shimmer goes on another friendship journey? 
          One journey ends another begins what is this pokemon?  lol no Eg, but sounds like it though. At least it’s short. ( 11 chapters) “ And the journey continues” 
          Sick day is about Sunset not feeling well, her friends come and cheer her up, have dreams in a sequence, she feels all better than go on a quest.  
          It could just be me but that’s how I feel about the story. The sequel has 72 chapters, long road has 43 chapters 
          LR2F  (long road to friendship) gave me dreams 
          Sunset and I were both in a sketchy neighborhood. She was in ally on her way getting a salad. (story) I was surrounded by African Americans (dream) 
          Pinkie talked about Sunset having lemons in her mouth.  (Story) I saw sunset throwing lemons (dream) 
          Dreamt of someone falling to there doom ( African American ) and sunset falls From a construction site at least the Lulamoons caught her with their magic 
          Sunset and twilight working on posters, Dream of doing Live action performance I saw Eg posters. Of course didn’t see all of their practice somewhere had to be at 1:30 but that is my Dream (goal) 
          Twice dreamt of being at a science fair. Twilight and Sunset working on their project. Someone needed the parts of my new phone for their project of course they were African American 
           I may have been at a science fair, I wasnt prepared didn’t have a scientific explanation with me and of course I didn’t cheat either. Gave my science project to judges then got a drinking cup. It was a model of a crystal. It was just sitting on the wrong table so my project was a delay entry? 


Still seeing Sunset’s emblem and her expressions out of control kind of like having anger issues.
          Also feel as if I’m possessed or Sunset has  power over over me Anyway something I don’t have control over just kinda happens
          At one point I thought my appetite is going to change that’s just crazy. And start celebrating Equestria’s traditions which sounds kinda fun. Like nightmare night and hearth’s warming similar to Halloween and Christmas. 
          Mlp running of the leaves a fall thing and according to long road to friendship Sunset said she had a Autumn festival kinda like thanksgiving
          The Halloween story is from a story I wrote and the other is from an actual book I didn’t know. And Im the kind of person to finish what I’ve started. 
          “ the tale of Sunbat shimmer” 
          Not sure if I wanted to do another book turn into a graphic novel. Long road to friendship took forever since it has 43 chapters. lol didn’t know it was an actual published book
          I’ve listened/ read the story. Did a book report on it and dreamt of it. So it kept me occupied for awhile 
          Like Sunset and I were both in a sketchy neighborhood, she was on her way getting a salad and I was surrounded by black folk
          Sunset and Twilight were working on a science fair project. Before I got a brand new phone, I dreamt of Afros taking a part a phone using the parts for their project. 
          Thought it would be cool do any Fim fic story’s as animation like they do with Wings of Fire on you tube Make a movie using the graphic novel. Also while reading the story I see bits of the scene as live action how cool would that be. 
          Oh and another thing Sunset and Twilight working on posters. In a dream I saw Eg posters for advertisement


Here’s a thought, and it has happened the second time. 
          What does characters getting defeated in a dream mean? 
          1) Sunset Shimmer gets defeated by a what looks like a dragon/lion. A monster, we can say of darkness
          2) Lady bug dove under water and didn’t surface. My parents handed me her costome 
          Mood: sad. 
          My grandmother said let’s go home
          Could it be possible I’ve shifted into a fictional universe is that y I dream of characters? Sunset said I could have been in a hotel room in Paris possibly.