this message may be offensive
I have dealt with shitty service today, @mcdonalds check your employees, make sure THEY DON'T FUCKING LICK MY CARAMEL FRAPPE'S EXTRA WHIP CREAM?! I dealt with an absolutely horrible teacher today, I am not about to apologize to that piece of shit human being, I'm not going to calmly explain why I didn't understand the assignment for tHE FUCKING 5,000TH TIME. "Oh, I'm sorry my 15 year old mind is not capable of fUCKING UNDERSTANDING YOUR STUPID HOMEWORK?! WHEN I COME TO TUTORING ON MY OWN GODDAMN TIME AND ALL YOU DO IS TELL ME HOW ABSOLUTELY HOPELESS I AM? THAT I'M A LOST CAUSE? THAT THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO USE IN EVEN HELPING ME PASS YOUR FUCKING MANDATORY CLASS SO I CAN GET MY CREDIT?! WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? DO YOU THINK YOURE BETTER THAN I AM?" I am so done. And for me to come onto the imternet, expecting a nice feed, filled with people I love and support so much and accounts that deserve my time, I come to some stupid bitches asking me about their dumbass boyfriends and why they keep leaving them for me?! I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR BOYFRIEND'S ACTIONS. I AM NOT HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR BOYFRIEND IN ANY WAY. YOUR BOYFRIEND IS NOT MY CHILD, YOUR BOYFRIEND IS NOT MY PARENT, MY SIBLING, NOTHING. HE IS YOUR BOYFRIEND, NOT MINE. I DID NOT COME ON TO HIM. I AM ATTRACTED TO WOMEN. W O M E N. Please read this message and have an extremely great day/morning/rest of your night. Love, me.