
Sorry I haven't updated Beautiful Pyschopath for quite a while! I will try to update soon, but in the meanwhile I am writing a new fan fiction which hopefully you supernatural fans out there will enjoy! 
          	And if you are worrying about Beautiful Pyschopath ending, I can assure it won't be for a while, as once I have finished Beautiful Pyschopath I will be writing a prologue to the series about Kai and Ali's relationship before Beautiful Pyschopath.
          	Stay tuned, there's much more to come!
          	Phoebs :)x


@magicfandoms please don't leave us hanging it's one of the best Kai fanfics I've ever read and the main plot hasn't even started yet so update


@magicfandoms its been five years... have you changed your mind about writing about it


Sorry I haven't updated Beautiful Pyschopath for quite a while! I will try to update soon, but in the meanwhile I am writing a new fan fiction which hopefully you supernatural fans out there will enjoy! 
          And if you are worrying about Beautiful Pyschopath ending, I can assure it won't be for a while, as once I have finished Beautiful Pyschopath I will be writing a prologue to the series about Kai and Ali's relationship before Beautiful Pyschopath.
          Stay tuned, there's much more to come!
          Phoebs :)x


@magicfandoms please don't leave us hanging it's one of the best Kai fanfics I've ever read and the main plot hasn't even started yet so update


@magicfandoms its been five years... have you changed your mind about writing about it