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Okay but what about a Slytherin harry fic where jegulus was jegulusing back in their time of hogwarts and the very last game that James and Regulus played against each other, Regulus as team captain took the gryffindor march out song (Lion by Saint Mesa) and twisted the words to be “Bring the lion down” instead of “Bring the lion out” and fast forward however many years later (around Harry’s 5th year when he’s Slytherin team captain) he found out about James relationship with Regulus and got all the lore (don’t ask how) and he decided to bring Reggie’s version of the song back out at the very first game of the year where they just so happen to be playing against gryffindor. All of the staff that were teaching at the time of the Mauraders era have tears in their eyes at the nostalgia and definitely see how much Harry is James and Reggie’s son (because this is fan fiction and I say so), except for Dumbassdoor who is just pissed that Harry is fucking up his plans because he wasn’t supposed to find out that Jegulus was a thing, and that Lily wasnt actually his mother and that he actually had two fathers instead.
You can say it,