
Caos svima.
          	Moje pravo ime je magdalena i rodom dolazim iz Crne Gore. Vec godinu i po dana zivim u Engleskoj i sad sam odlucila napraviti wattpad jer je bas postao poznat. Nadam se da cemo se lepo druziti. Pozdrav za sve, ljubim vas.  xoxo


Dear Mags_Love_Life,
          I have relatives in the United Kingdom in the western suburbs of London, so I have seen your wonderful country.  My specialty is English literature, so I like to visit the homes of famous writers in the United Kingdom.  I taught English literature for various colleges for 35 years.
          Thank you for following me. I have been writing since I was six years old. I have now published six books (fiction, poetry, and literary criticism), and I'm working on a book of nature poems and an autobiography. I have a new fiction chapter book for middle school kids entitled The Passover Surprise that Fictive Press just published in March 2015. It is based on some problems that I had when I was young. However, I have given the main character help to solve any problems that I did not get as a girl. 
          I recently won first place in a poetry contest. I had been trying to get this poem about the Civil War in the United States in the 1860s published for 17 years, so this award felt good.
          Best wishes to you for 2015! I hope that your own writing is going well. I'm glad that spring has finally come.
          Janet Ruth Heller 
          Author of the poetry books of Exodus (wordtech Editions, 2014), Folk Concert: Changing Times (Anaphor Literary Press, 2012) and Traffic Centre (Finishing Line Press, 2011), the scholarly book Coleridge, Lamb, Hazlitt, and the Reader of Drama (University of Missouri Press, 1990), the award-winning book for kids about bullying, How the Moon Regained Each Shape (Arbordal 2006), and the middle-grade book for kids The Passover Surprise (Fictive Press, 2015). 
          Websites are   and


Caos svima.
          Moje pravo ime je magdalena i rodom dolazim iz Crne Gore. Vec godinu i po dana zivim u Engleskoj i sad sam odlucila napraviti wattpad jer je bas postao poznat. Nadam se da cemo se lepo druziti. Pozdrav za sve, ljubim vas.  xoxo