
@thejamesmasloweffect i dont know how to work this ether lmao


This was my first fanfic on my instagram @james_gives_me_boners and i will put it here too: 
          Chapter 1-
           *on phone* yeah mom i got it.....yes! I will be okay!.....Alright... I love you too. *hangs up* Julia rings the doorbell about 5 times opens it up and yells "dammit Jess you take sooo long!!" "Why are you even here? I mean, i just need to go to the airport and fly to hawaii and my mom will be right there waiting," Says Jess. I am just making sure you get there safe its your first time , its scary." Says Julia cautiously..." it will be fine! Common lets go to the airport."  As they reach the air port they see a strange old man bump them with a rush,...Julia screams "HEY! Little fuck!" As jesse calms her down paparazzi rush to the other side of the waiting seats..."whats going on?" Says Julia. "I dont know lets see whos over there?"