
No problem 


OMG I read your conversation with @Nokelle and it's hilarious I agree with you and it's funny because you're talking like a mature adult and she/he is saying to 'fûck off bîtch' like wtf??? You are an amazing person and that was hilarious 


lol thank you she/ he was getting in my nerves ' like please understand where my logic is coming from' it doesn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together but somehow she came up with five?!? And again thank you  


I'd just like to acknowledge all the amazing wattpaders who uploaded their stories.
               Uploading a story is probably one of the toughest things to do in a wattpaders life( well... Probably not but... Who cares?). You're constantly asking yourself if the readers will like it  or thinking what will happen if they hate your ideas. And it probably takes a long time for you to think of what to do.
              Your constantly contemplating what to do until you realize that you write because you like writing, not because you want to become a famous author(though some of you do). You write because you love it, and when you live something you can't just give up in it.You find the courage to upload that story for everyone to see. And I would just like to say- thank you.
             Thank you for sharing all your amazing ideas to the wattpad realm and inspiring other people to write. Thank you for making stories that people can enjoy and help you make better. 
            Don't think that any famous author didn't have uncertainty to if they should try to get their books published, because I can assure you,they did. 
                 In going to end this saying that you have a great mind, whoever you are. You have great ideas. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you love the most- writing. Because who knows? In a couple years you could be the next J.K. Rowling.
            . Keep in wattpading
          P.S. I know there are a long of grammatical mistakes. Just ignore them.
          P.P.S does anyone know what P.S. Stands for?