
Hey! I'm kinda bored and wanna do something other than read on this app(yes Ik this was made for reading and making books) so if anyone wants to rp in DMs/PMs then either reply or message me! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night y'all!


I’m not an ultimate rper(?), but I’d like to get into it a bit more. It seems awesome


Hey! I'm kinda bored and wanna do something other than read on this app(yes Ik this was made for reading and making books) so if anyone wants to rp in DMs/PMs then either reply or message me! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night y'all!


I’m not an ultimate rper(?), but I’d like to get into it a bit more. It seems awesome


Hey! No I'm not dead. I am very much alive. I'm sorry for not being on for a while. I just have a lot on my plate right now. But I have some free time now and I wanted to know if y'all wanted to rp with me? If you don't know what rp is then it's role play. In this case, text role play. You don't have to message me if you don't want to. But also don't be afraid to message me. Even if you just wanna talk. I'm fine with that. Anyways, bye guys! Have a wonderful day/night!


I'm gonna go to comic con and I'm gonna try to start a voltron panel with my friends and my girl friend. We all know who we want to cos play. I'll be lance and my girlfriend will be Keith. Comic con is in Tampa Florida August 2nd to 4th. I hope some of you can make it.