
Only one day left before the ONC begins!!! IM HELLA EXCITED!! 


Happy New Year! I know this message comes almost two weeks late but better late than never lol Hope everyone had a great holidays and New Year, hope everyone stayed safe!
          So as I said last year I don’t have a set in stone plan for my writing yet but I am actively working on one of my original projects and am in the process of updating it from the original drafts. The first Chapter is officially done it’s rewrite but will not be released yet as I want to get more of it rewritten before I announce a release date.
          Secondly: I will be participating in this years ONC just like last year! I am very excited to see what the Ambassadors are cooking up for us and encourage everyone to join in and see what stories you can tell!


Hey guys. So this year has been very up and down for me with my writing, certainly haven’t done as much as I hoped but I also did more than I expected. I took part in two separate contests, and achieved a lot more than I have in years prior and it has shown me a lot of confidence in myself and I plan to continuing this process in the New Year. 
          I don’t have a set in stone plan yet I’m working on it


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven’t been very active lately. I’ve been neck deep in other projects outside of Wattpad this last month, as well winter snowed up with a vengeance with a full week of snow. I am also working on a project and contribution to a charity event taking place on December 6th (tomorrow), which has taken priority.
          I fully intend to return to writing soon I’ve just been working on finishing my other projects before hand so I can dedicate more time to my stories again. Thank you so much for your patience. 


Hey guys! Just checking in to let y’all’s know I’m very much alive still, I have been ran off my feet with tasks and such lately that I plain and simply forgot to post an update here:
          GED Study has been going decently well, I’ve been busy with winter prep so I haven’t been able to commit a lot of time to anything really since there’s a lotta work that goes into getting ready for winter in my part of Canada. 
          Overall things were hectic but should be settling down soon. Hope you are all doing well, staying safe and taking care of yourselves. 


UPDATE: Progress on the first Chapter of Horizon Falls is proceeding smoothly, and so far I am pretty happy with it. I also have a personal update, I am currently beginning my study schedule for my GED. My hours to write will not overly be affected as I am only studying two or three hours a day with weekends off so I can balanced everything I am currently doing


UPDATE! I will be doing some content reworking for a while deciding on what series I'll be focusing on going forward: Horizon has been halted while I have been rewriting the very first installment of my series, Horizon Falls, from scratch. 
          My skills have improved, my standards for my writing have changed and risen etc so a lot of my work I have written isn't up to my standards currently. I'm not hating on my old work, I am very proud of what I've written but that said I want my stories to reflect my skill level so I'll be rewriting a lot of my older work before ANY new works are made. Stay Tuned for those releases and updates


To help me balance writing here and doing content for YouTube I have a new schedule that will help me balance my workloads since trying to make ver different content for two very different platforms is a challenge.
          I have been working to reboot my Horizon series from the very beginning, starting with the very first story in the series: Horizon Falls, which I am working on redoing from scratch. Working on my writing will be done every other day on the same days I make Shorts/Clips for YouTube, while learning my Traditional language falls on says when I’m recording so while my videos are rendering and uploading I can study and learn my language.
          I do a lot in my week, and am always doing something in my personal life as well so balancing everything is very difficult at times but I am slowly getting a routine going! 


Well. I found out i accidentally disqualified myself from the Watty’s this year. I forgot that you weren’t allowed to make any edits until after the shortlist announcement, and for a brief moment I wasn’t allowed to edit and fixed a typo I say that I mixed during grammar checks :( 
          It’s my first time doing contests and such so I knew I was gonna make a mistake eventually. It sucks it to be with the Watty’s but eh it’s fine