
          	New TNR Chapter is live now!!


          Hey everyone! After taking a much needed hiatus to get back on my feet I am back with a BRAND NEW TNR Chapter! CHAPTER FIVE IS ALIVE!! let me know what you think of course, and as always I hope you like it.
          And thank you everyone who stayed while I got myself sorted out, it really means a lot to me <3 Hope you are all doing well lately


          I’ll be taking an extended hiatus as I continue to deal with mental health issues. I was starting to improve but lately my motivation has all but disappeared, I don’t enjoy what I’m doing anymore right now, I don’t have a desire to write anymore, and my personal life is playing a factor into why my once new passion for writing has gone. I’m really down everyone. I hope you all take care


Update: been a rough few days but I’m getting back on my feet. Got a little bit of work done lately but not enough to publish yet. Thank you everyone who’s been waiting for TNR to continue while I work through these issues, I will be getting chapters posted again as soon as I can 


Mental health update: after a really rocky road I’m somewhat getting back on my feet. I was able to write out the plot draft for TNR Chapter five, and start writing it but I quickly lost my energy last night but it’s a start. I still have a while to go and I could easily lose the progress I’ve made lately but I’m gonna keep working on myself so I can get back to work soon.
          Thank you for your patience everyone! <3 I appreciate it 


Regrettably, I’m taking a small hiatus due to mental health reasons. My mental state hasn’t been the best, and it’s gotten worse recently and I just don’t have the energy or motivation to write currently


@FoxLock34 thank you, much appreciated


@mahihkan-awa oh no!! Take care of yourself <3 I hope it eases soon!