
Check out my new book "Temptations" 


@mahumwrites it's my bday today and you gave me the best gift!! Can't wait to dive into this story, loved your previous works 


@mahumwrites I am really excited for this...


AOA! How are you? I hope you are doing great. Can you believe me how shocked I am that you are from pakistan. Usually pakistani don't use wattpad since it's banned by some networks. But trust me you are doing excellent job. you set me a new inspiration to write. I am also from pakistan but from Islamabad but trust me I am too shocked to see a pakistani doing this good on wattpad. Please continue writing your novels. Can you please look into my fanfic? i am a new writer i know i am making mistakes but i also trust my abilities. I would be elated if you just spend a bit of your time from your busy schedule on me... please!