
Hi there, I have a story here on Wattpad, I believe you’ll enjoy reading it as it progressively grows. It’s a fanfic with the love interest and reader, there will be some mature content involved. 
          	So please read and enjoy, I accept all feedback and constructive criticism as well.
          	Thank You!


I loved your story (play date)! Also I was curious, if you know the source of the artwork on the cover, or at least where you got it? I’ve been trying to track down the artist for 2 weeks now and this is the only thing that comes up in the reverse image search. Sorry for being a bother I just love it so much and want to support the artist. (Also I apologize if I did this wrong, I have no idea how wattpad works)


I’m so so so so sorry I’m late getting back to you. I actually found the image on Pinterest, I still have it saved so I can send it to you. Also thank you so much. 