Hello people of the world. You have fortunately stumbled upon my page. If you would be so kind, check out my stories in the "Works" section, right now it's just short stories, but I've got more to come.
Speaking of more, I'm working on a five book series with my editor, @sweditor, you should really check him out. He's awesome. If you want to know about the series, too bad. It's a secret. But, it has something to do with my profile pic... hmmm.....
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Happy reading!
- Somewhere over the rainbow
- Дата регистрацииJuly 21, 2012
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Of course you can have it. You're in column ED. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArANSGC4bAPAdGNVQkc1NmZkQzMxWE9KS1pkQ05rOWc And, well, with the Characterization, yes, I don't want you to...Посмотреть все беседы
Истории от mailmi
- 3 Опубликованные истории

Disney's Frozen: an Alternate Endi...
What if Kristoff hadn't ever come back? What if Olaf had actually melted by the fire? What if the happy endin...

Alphabet Soup
A B C D E... or F? Erwin has to stop the Alphabet Murderer before he gets to any more letters, or else...