
Hello Everyone! So yes I have two stories going! & taking imagine requests! But I have an idea for a series (Three parts) that I plan to do. I will type up all 10 chapters for part one and post it at once. Hoping to have it out by middle of June! I will continue working on all these stories/imagines :D but this series will be a post all at once, not one part at a time! Stay tuned for more details! 
          	Also! Have an imagine you want written? (Smut or not) either one, I will write.
          	Just give me this info
          	Related to; (if anyone)
          	General idea on what you want to have happen;
          	Smut or nah: 


Hello Everyone! So yes I have two stories going! & taking imagine requests! But I have an idea for a series (Three parts) that I plan to do. I will type up all 10 chapters for part one and post it at once. Hoping to have it out by middle of June! I will continue working on all these stories/imagines :D but this series will be a post all at once, not one part at a time! Stay tuned for more details! 
          Also! Have an imagine you want written? (Smut or not) either one, I will write.
          Just give me this info
          Related to; (if anyone)
          General idea on what you want to have happen;
          Smut or nah: 