
Hello how are you guys? I hope this times are treating you well, I've been a little inactive lately because Ive been working on publishing my book "Love of breaking hearts" and I can finally say that you can now find it on web novel, under the same name, I really hope all of you are doing great and I want to thank every single person who read any of the stories I've written ☺️


Hello how are you guys? I hope this times are treating you well, I've been a little inactive lately because Ive been working on publishing my book "Love of breaking hearts" and I can finally say that you can now find it on web novel, under the same name, I really hope all of you are doing great and I want to thank every single person who read any of the stories I've written ☺️


Hi how are you all doing? 
          so im struggling with writing right now so it would be really helpful if you guys left a comment telling me what do you want to see on the next chapter or in the story, I hope everyone is safe and healthy.
          take care.


Hi guys, how is everyone doing in this crazy time? Are you in quarantine, self quarantine, lock down? did your school/work close? are you taking online classes or are you working from home?
          I'm in quarantine, actually is more of a self quarantine since the government hasn't announced  the mandatory one yet, I've been in my house since the 12th of March, schools are close here so my school is doing the online thing.
          I wanted to ket you know that I will post the 5th chapter soon, you must think that I have a lot of free time now but the truth is that ironically I don't, as I said before im a full time student so I do writing as a hobbie, and since im doing online school I have a lot projects to turn in, but im doing my best to keep writing so I can publish the next chapter soon. next week is a holiday week here so im hopping that the teachers won't send us work so I can focused on writing, which is one of the hobbies I enjoy and is keeping me "sane" while im in quarantine.
          I hope everyone is safe and if you must go outside please do it with the safety mesures.
          Anyways tell me what you are doing to pass the time 
          stay safe.


Hi guys its been I while, I know I haven't been active but I have been studding because I have tons of exams but today im in a really good mood since I passed one of the exams so I decided to publish chapter four, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it tell me what you think in the comment section. 
          Also I'll try to be more active but I still have more exams so I'll do my best, take care and happy reading


Guys the second chapter is finally out, sorry it took me so long but I had lots of things going on and I couldn't focus on writing,  go read it and tell me what did you think here or on the comment section in the story. ~happy reading~
          P.S: I tried to make it a little bit longer to make up for the waiting.


hello there! sorry for not publishing the second chapter im still working on, I know that it's taking me so long but it's because I had finals till last week, today I finished high school and now I have exams so im studying for that but just know that im working on it, and im going to publish it as son as I can, take care of yourselves.


Hi! sorry for  not being active this past week, i was hospitalized and could not finished the second chapter, but im working on it and hopefully it will be out by the end of the week, stay safe


@charmcallenn yeah I am, thanks


I hope you’re feeling better! Stay hydrated, haha :)


          You have a new follower!!! :) 


Yaay!!! ;)


@McKraven thank you so much, you do as well