@NebulusCharlie NebulusCharlie, Dear one.
As in your recent chapter you wisely indicated how LanZhan misunderstood the over familiar conversation of Wei Ying and tried to "corrected it like an assignment", you also misjudged my words a little. But if I have had loomed around your harsh words do you think, I read your each episode and liked it dutifully?
Ok, so as you have brought it on surface again, I would like to introduce myself properly, not to let you feel less, but binding our heart strings more tightly for future. I am Maitreyi Joshi, residing in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and run my own academy since last 9 years that providing coaching for foreign languages. I am an entrepreneur holding five group of companies. Magus Academy, Midas United Management Consultancy, Midas Multi Media, ShriTvam center of Ancient Wisdom, ShriVidya and Mythology, MJ publication house( recently merged in Midas Multimedia).
If some one tells me about my skill of mathematics, definitely I would have reacted in same way like Wei Ying.. "Ouch".. but then where my maturity goes, if for one stressful comment I loss one beautiful author..!!
My sole intention was to show you our craving for your writing, and If I remember, I always talked to bribe you with loads of chocolates for your next epsidoes and certainly not to judge you for your writing schedules... How can I?
So, please, don't apologise. Its not needed at all. Not previously, not today. It was a strike of moment that turned critical, not our intentions, nor our feelings for each other...
So please enjoy your Christmas Week with warmth, love and peace in abundance and cheer up twice..thrice...for your own creativity..
You are indeed a fabulous writer and certainly a caring heart, that reflects in your writing always.
So with love and Santa's vibes.. I wish you Merry Christmas in advance. Till then.. with our love and due respect..