
Hello Wolf Pups! I know it's been a while and i apologize. Alot of things have been happening since my last story update some more traumatizing then others. Right now im just trying to make it through the day. I also need to focus on my schooling so that i can graduate! Im almost there but i really need to focus. I won't be updating my stories for a while due to all this. I will still be replying to comments and responding to messages i just dont have room on my plate right now to continue my new story till everything has been settled i hope you all can understand and again i am truly sorry. 


@maizysnickers no worries take your time


Hello Wolf Pups! I know it's been a while and i apologize. Alot of things have been happening since my last story update some more traumatizing then others. Right now im just trying to make it through the day. I also need to focus on my schooling so that i can graduate! Im almost there but i really need to focus. I won't be updating my stories for a while due to all this. I will still be replying to comments and responding to messages i just dont have room on my plate right now to continue my new story till everything has been settled i hope you all can understand and again i am truly sorry. 


@maizysnickers no worries take your time


Hey wolf pups! Im just making this quick little announcement cuz its really starting to get under my skin. 
          I know my math and spelling isnt the best. But please for the love of circi dont correct me! It starting to get under my skin and makes me upset since i know i already asked everyone not to do it. So if you could refrain from doing it and remind others not to if you see it i would really appreciate. It takes a toll on my motivation as well since im more spread out then i used to be so i know more mistakes will be made. Thank you for taking your time to read this.


I know you all love this book and it will continue but it's gonna be in a hiatus for an unidentified amount of time. I'm struggling alot in school right now and breaking down because of it almost every day. I hope you all understand that I truly need this break to get my life back on track. I'm sorry.


            It's fine have a good day!


Hey lovelies! If you are ever struggling or going through something or just need someone to talk or vent to, just know I'm here and I have your back! I don't discriminate against race, mental or physical issues, sexuality, gender(or non gender), or anything really! I'll always accept you for who you are(unless you are a discriminating person then don't talk to me about that but come to me if you have other issues) remember that you shine and to always be yourself because there is always someone who loves and cares about you! And if you can't find one you can always come to me!


@maizysnickers Dear Author! You have updated your book today with the title pause, saying how you are gonna stop for a while and that if we want to leave you understand/ don't blame us. So I just wanted you to know that you should take however long you need to feel better and that we will patiently wait for you. I hope that in that time you can work out everything you want, may it be with school work/family conflicts/friendship problems or anything else. Sadly with the anniversary I cannot tell you you anything other than that it will get better after a while. And I know you said that you've hit rock bottom without any foreseeable way up, but if you want I don't think I'm alone when I say that you can talk to us. Because ^that^ message should involve you too! So, when or if you need to talk, don't be afraid to write to me. It can be about anything you want; the weather, the view, school, boys/girls I will listen. So chin up buttercup it can only get better from rock bottom, all you have to do is look for a rainbow when it rains. Take all the time you need cause we will be here!