he'd never thought he'd get the chance to say this , but even this impromptu first date with kageyama was exhilarating . hinata had virtually no time to prepare after practice , rushing home without really saying goodbye to the other members of their team . he was hoping , no / praying / that tonight went semi - smooth . hed be introducing tobio as his / boyfriend / during dinner . that alone had his stomach doing flips .
the orange haired boy promised himself he'd stop looking at his phone until kageyama called saying he was here . he was getting overly paranoid as the minutes ticked by . the other wasn't even late and yet here hinata was coming up with worst case scenarios . what if tobio changed his mind about dating ? what if something came up ? god , it was all too much to think about . he took to cleaning the semi organized mess that he called a bedroom , stuffing his dirty clothes into bags and hiding them away .