
I've recently gotten the Hogwarts Legacy game, and I'm afraid that has taken up literally all of my writing time for season seven... I have been playing the game for almost 11 hours across the past 3 consecutive days...


Merry Christmas! The new Christmas Chronicle is now available for you to read! AND don't forget to listen to the Ithaca Saga (the FINAL SAGA) of EPIC: The Musical, which came out TWO HOURS AGO!!! If you haven't gotten into the musical yet, you should do it now because this musical is the BEST!


We're getting so close to the second to last season of Castles Crumbling and I am so excited! I hope you all are excited as well.  This season is the shortest season I've ever written at just 18 chapters, which is crazy compared to my longest season, Season 2 at 34 chapters.  I've been writing this book for 1 year and 3 months and it is far from over.  This book holds such a dear place in my heart and I'm so excited for you all to hear more of it.  Before this season comes out, make sure to watch the trailer for it to get yourself hyped up!