
/          i died gang my bad


ID.  @makeamends 
          	  * ╱╱  it's ok i love u still


/          i was living my cringe life woopsies


/      cb n spec and i'll get back to them after classes !


/     hi give me them in the 40’s


ID.  @makeamends 
            * ╱╱ !!! PLEASE !!!  ,,  EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE THREADS ONGOJNG


Nah,  the blue looks better.   Try that one.


/   if I pretend this doesn’t exist u gotta pretend like I didn’t take forever to reply 


◜   ⍟    ¹      @makeamends:    Bless her heart.   And bless yours,  since it’s so unbearable to deal with me.    It’s not putting up with my crap it’s just hanging out with your lovely friend.   [NOKWISKI PULLS BUCKY into his side,  tugging the man close.   He was pushing it,  probably  (not).    After a few moments of soft laughter on his part STEVE’S HANDS WOULD busy themselves with the process of finding a more suitable shirt for the brunette,   fingers flit through the copious amounts of t—shirts.    He find a tame grey gradient button up,  decorated with black palm leaves.   A more muted tone that suited B better.   And if he didn’t like it,  he even got a simple white button up that would  brighten the scheme of things.]       So,  what do you think?   Shoo—  shoo..    go try it on for me and I’ll get out of your hair.   These are actual   (good)   and serious picks for your information.   


/     pretend the comma in the first sentencd doesnt exist..... im brainwashing u.....


we gotta make this quick , bucky . you know how i hate leaving my car double-parked ! [  sam spoke, sending a nod towards the other . despite his sharp tone , he was very appreciative that his friend had agreed to help him move, if only a few blocks from his previous home . moving was stressful, and he didn’t really want to do it in the first place . but sarah, despite being states away, had sent him this listing, a small house that was perfect on the inside and a little rusty on the outside and told him to buy . looking at it now, he was cursing himself for getting a house without a proper driveway . but hey, the hell was he worried about that for ? he could fly !! ] listen, i don’t know what to start with . how about we both grab a box and dump ‘em in the kitchen . i would’ve labeled them … damn, i should’ve . unless you wanna get the couch out of the way first ? i do have to return the u-haul by tonight ...


@manintheair       ,       right,   right.    i get it!    [   james held a small smile on his face as he nodded back,   he was quaintly reminded of his move from indiana to new york way back when.   how when they got off of the boat and took their luggage,   picked up by their family members and brought to their house.   they had shipped their things prior to leaving ( although moving was much more safer now,  he found out. ).    him and his sister having to share a room for the first night.   overwhelmed with cousins and the thought of unpacking their boxes.  snapping away,   he hopped out of the passenger seat,   he rounded to the back of the truck to meet up with sam.    the truck was filled with everything of the other,    man did he own a lot.    but he was at least settled,    james could give him that.   ]    i don't know the right way of unpacking a truck.    maybe move all the boxes out into the front,   i'll take the couch and the heavy things.    then when you're done unpacking the boxes,   we bring ‘em in?    that sound good?    [    james felt overwhelmed by...  everything like he must've back then.    but the house was perfect for sam,   and glad he could help him move.   despite now being a little further away from each other,   he could commute somehow,   it was still nice to be around someone he knew.    james then clapped his hands together,    ]    alright,  we ready?


there is no way you're leaving like that . this is a joke, right ? you're real funny , buck . reaaaaaal funny .


it's almost too appropriate . who the hell wears a full suit to a club anyway ? and my fly isn -- well . still . listen , i'm not looking to be there for long . in and out , make appearances then jet out . wish it was at a restaurant man , i'm starving .


@manintheair       ,       ...   what?   is this not appropriate?    [    a pause,    ]     y'know what else is real funny?   how you're laughin' at me but your fly is down.    sam—    you know i don't know what to wear to these...   parties,   man.


“now that you’re back, there’s someone you need to meet,” kara said with a warm smile. she held her daughter in her arms, turning slightly so james could see aspen’s face. “james, meet aspen.”


"hey, i know that if you had known, you would have been there." she held no bad feelings towards the male for not being there. she knew he had things to take care of, so she couldn't ever be mad. *especially* since he didn't know she was pregnant. "i trust you with her, james. there's no need to worry," kara added on once she saw how he was positioning his metal arm away from aspen. "and yeah, hopefully. i'd rather not have any bite marks." she chuckled softly before nodding. the blonde looked down at aspen before pointing towards james, "aspy, this is your uncle james.”


@cursedwithrage       ,       james brought his hands up to his face and dragged them down,   “even still.   i wish i could've been there.”    and he had meant it.    and he also wished he could trust himself to go closer.   but with the invite,  he took steps closer,   keeping his left arm the furthest thing away from the child.   “hopefully she'll be biting her teething toys and not us.”   he tried to joke,   a nervous habit that never really went away,   “oh,  man.   aspen,   you said?”


kara laughed slightly at the widening of his eyes, watching as the news settled in. “the last time you saw me i was very early on in my pregnancy. i don’t think i even knew i was pregnant at that point,” she explained, looking down at her little one before looking up at the male again. “thank you. and you do know you can come closer, right? she doesn’t bite. well, not yet at least.”


"Sorry," she would move the blade away from Bucky's neck quickly, as soon as she realized it was him. "I didn't mean to... bozhe moi <my god>," she massaged her temples, placing the knife on the kitchen counter and resting against it. "It was a freaking long day."
          // mwah mwah


@-widowmakers       ,       the corner of his mouth tipped up slightly in response to the tone of her voice.    it's been a while since they've talked like this.    how easy going it all was and how well they understood one another.   james nodded,   almost imperceptible when almost hidden in the darkness,    “night terror...   or whatever they're called.”   he brought his right hand and scratched the back of his head.   his tangled shoulder length hair getting in the way.   he thought for a moment,   the male was originally gonna go out on a walk.   clear his head.   but somehow this sounded more appealing.    “sure,   that would be nice.   i think i saw some that stark had left,   one of his favorites.”
            /     sorry for the late response ml!!!


And even beyond exhausted, he still managed to get her to smile with his playful comment. It was small, fleeting... but sincere. "I thought it was a good idea to get back with SHIELD. It would keep me sharp. I guess I'm just not used to the jet lag afterwards," she responded in a similar tone that he had used, running her fingers through her hair, before looking away from the counter and trying to find his eyes, even under the dim lighting. "You also couldn't get some sleep?" she inquired, noticing his own tiredness. "You're welcome to join me, if you'd like. I'm sure there are some whiskey left."
            // ofccc !! <3333


@-widowmakers       ,       james made no attempts to move when he felt the small blade against his neck.   wether because he knew it was natalia,   he could tell by the swift movements and the hair that just slightly brushed his shoulder,   or something else.   he didn't know.   but as she retreated,   his metal hand came up to rub at the skin.    “it's fine,”   james said simply,   “glad to know you've still got it.”   he tried to convey a joking tone,   despite how late at night it was.   turning around and standing adjacent from her in the kitchen,   he nodded sightly.   “i bet.   it's been a while since you've worked this hard.”
            /    mwah!! tysm <33