
/          cb & spec ,, :3


   ✮ ’    40’s them 


  /   annoyed  /  frustrated ibeg


are you staring at me ?


ID.  @makeamends 
            *  a flicker of surprise in green eyes .  she didn't think the other would notice .  not that she had particularly dressed to be noticed by the other ,  as she draws gazes wherever she was but she'd have to admit it / was / nice to be seen ,  especially by him .  perhaps she was a little tipsy but it was familiar to fall into this sort of banter .  *
            oh ,  i'm sure i do .  your expressions tell all .  you'd be a terrible spy .


**          @widcwbites  .  .  .          oh,     really?     think you know me that well,     вдова   [ widow ]?          (     a slight eyebrow raised and a small playful smirk appeared on his face,     well  / this /  was new.     but you wouldn't hear him complaining.     )          you look extra alluring tonight,     is this a new dress?


            i'd like to think that by now i can deduce what your stares mean ,  солдат  [  soldier  ] .  but if you want a straight answer then -
            *  the woman leaned forward ,  pleased with this knowledge && of catching the other .  *
            / yes / .  it's flattering .


/          i'm finally reading the "the winter soldier: cold front" book that came out a while ago :3     i'm prepared to have sm 40's muse


/          two pages in anf i hate this book already.
            “you always thought you'd die on your feet, rising to meet the bullet. but here you are, drowning in light and full of water, with nothing but a hand that isn't yours."  ...  HELLO??!!???


/          bc the book is based in 1940's / 50's as his time starting as the winter soldier and i .... GEHEGEHE


/          cb n spec ( mood & length ) !!    getting to replies rn :3


/  !! 40’s starter 


;        confused or hostile starter , please 


// friendly starter please! it’s good to see him back


⠀⠀⠀⠀up    for    a    ride    to    clear    your    head?    looks    like    you    have    a    lot    on    your    mind.


            ⠀⠀⠀⠀i    get    that    a    lot.    (    she    gave    a    faint    smile    of    understanding    before    tossing    over    a    helmet.    )    c'mon.    heard    the    weather's    nice    out    too.


**          @fallenanqelics  .  .  .          feels like my head's about to explode.     a ride sounds nice.


⠀⠀⠀⠀i    know    i    know..    just    don't    tell    anyone.    please?


            ⠀⠀⠀⠀thank    you...    (    relief    and    gratitude    appeared    in    the    pools    of    her    exhausted    eyes.    )    if    it    isn't    too    much..?    i'll    be    out    of    your    hair    by    the    morning,    i    promise.


**          @fallenanqelics  .  .  .          (     there was a pause at the question,     only before nodding,     )          yeah,     yeah,     alright.     ‘least i could do.      ...      wanna stay for the night?


❝  LATE NIGHT ?  ❞  natalya asked ,  voice quiet as she leaned against the doorframe .  there was a certain vulnerability in seeing bucky without his main weapon .  (  a light word .  he's committed atrocities with or without the arm .  he was a weapon ,  as she was .  )  
          from her line of sight ,  the other was attempting to polish the metal && connective mechanical alignment to his skin .  she could see even in the dim light that there was a routine to it all ,  but there was no affection held in it .  it was practical && she could see just how frustrating it would be to clean between each && every groove post being bled on ,  covered in mud ,  you name it .  
          she waited until the other was done with his routine before taking a seat beside him on the bench .  there was a silence between them ,  unwavering as blue-green eyes went to focus on the others' scar tissue on his left arm .  there was a part of her ,  that mix of childish curiosity && womanly wiles ,  that wished to touch that scar .  instead ,  she asked a question .


            ❝  I ,  UH ,  GOT OFF A FLIGHT FROM RUSSIA .  I WAS IN THE AREA .  ❞  natalya remarked && despite her smooth tone her nerves were rather shot .  there was a part of her that wanted to see the other ,  especially with her search of her past leading into more && more dead ends .  from what she did know ,  they both have had a former association with the ussr .  who better to stalk around than him ?  (  there was ,  of course ,  this weird feeling of deja vu that seemed to flood her mind when around him followed by a sharp pain in her head any time she tried to think back on whether or not she saw him before the turn of the century .  his hair was shorter ,  in her mind ,  but that wasn't right .  they'd only met within the past five years or so .  )
            her head was beginning to hurt ,  again ,  so natalya simply looked to the arm .  she'd removed the cloth the other had thrown away && kept her touches light on the feeling of the metal .  this wasn't stark technology ,  that's for sure ,  but it was durable .  her fingers continued to trace those grooves ,  eyes examining the connective joints .  well ,  she supposed if he needed an upgrade there were contacts she had .  different than stark && all their weird histories with his family being the bastion of american capitalism .
            ❝  SINCE YOUR ARM IS OFF ,  I ASSUME I CAME AT A WRONG TIME ?  MOST PEOPLE WITH PROSTHETICS OR OTHER EQUIVALENTS TAKE THEM OFF BEFORE BED .  I KNOW CLINT TAKES HIS HEARING AIDS OFF BEFORE SLEEPING .  I COULD LEAVE ,  IF IT'S WHAT YOU WANT .  ❞  natalya remarked ,  turning to the other with an almost bashful expression .  it truly wasn't her intention to encroach on the others' space .


**          @widcwbites  .  .  .         a nod followed her brief comment,   there wasn’t much else to say.   unless she asked more questions,   he didn’t mind answering.   to busy himself he picked up the rag and tossed it to somewhere in the room,   he’d get it tomorrow.     “ it ain’t top of the line stuff from stark,   but it does the job well. ”     he tried to add a little humor into his tone,     exhaling a brief chuckle.
            james decided that he couldn’t just stare at his lap forever,   even though that’s what he wished he could do.   so finally,   he turned to face natalya,     blue eyes finally meeting her familiar face.   it was always a mystery to him,     why her face stood out from all the rest.   like somehow she was one of the many faces he had seen over the years but it was buried and drowned deep within his mind.   although,   james didn’t like to think about it that much.
            the question held weight to it,   even with the light and soft voice that carried them.   james’ face smoothed out,   hesitantly nodding once more.     “ yeah,   just tired, ”     (  when was he not,   though?   the weariness hung from his bones and flesh,   seeping into the cracks of his mind.   what did this ‘tiredness’ even mean anymore?  )     he mirrored her soft tone,   like if they spoke any louder everyone would hear their conversation,     “ a tough day,   to put it lightly. ”
            his eyes scanned her face,   the way her hair framed her face,   and the way she was looking at him.   she never looked at him like how some other people do,   with that sort of sadness and pity just because they know what he’s been through.   or with distain and distrust because they know what he’s  / done. /     natalya never looked at him like that,   ever.   mostly because he hardly knows how to read that look in her eye when he finds her looking at him,   compared to her he might as well be an open book.
            “ i’ll be alright,   and you?   it’s later than the usual time you seem to come around. ”


            natalya kept that in mind ,  as if it were locked in a little box to be revisited .  that box would squeak every time she opened it ,  but it's hinges were worn with time .  there was a sense of deja vu she couldn't place ,  as if she'd had the exact same conversation previously .  being the woman she is ,  nat just shook it off .
            ❝  INTERESTING .  ❞  natalya murmured ,  mostly to herself .  she was genuinely interested in the mechanics && functions of the arm ,  but there was a sort of discomfort in understanding the implication behind it .  her could feel the pin ,  could feel the triggers of a gun ,  the hollow of a throat before that arm crushed a windpipe .  there was also the aspect that the man looked a tad uneasy ,  
            though she didn't expect it to be her doing .  the subject was delicate .
            still ,  her gaze was searching .  twitches in his form ,  slight movements of the eyes ,  how his chest rose as he breathed .  she couldn't get a read on him && somehow it was all too familiar .  perhaps ,  like her ,  it was easier for the soldier to hide behind something than to face more complicated things .
            ❝  ARE YOU ALRIGHT ?  ❞  the woman inquired ,  voice soft && small within their shared space .  it was almost imperceptible to others ,  but natalya felt as if speaking quietly with the man to be a habit nowadays .