
I should've not expected much but these cancelled Suho concerts in London and Paris really got me. It's particularly hard already for us to have EXO in Europe, and the least they could do was arranging proper preparation but even delivering bare minimum seemed so breaking their bones. Will catch up and have my flight to Tokyo instead, and that costs myself thousand pounds more. Sigh.


I should've not expected much but these cancelled Suho concerts in London and Paris really got me. It's particularly hard already for us to have EXO in Europe, and the least they could do was arranging proper preparation but even delivering bare minimum seemed so breaking their bones. Will catch up and have my flight to Tokyo instead, and that costs myself thousand pounds more. Sigh.


It's strange. Gaya penulisan, tata bahasa, tanda baca, dan editorial tiap cerita beda-beda, seakan bukan ditulis oleh orang yang sama. Beberapa cerita juga terkesan "dijauhkan" dari public platform. Curiga plagiat, tapi mau cari tau lebih dalam dulu.


@makingaface oh, author di wp ya?


Ada nggak sih cerita Chanhun yang Sehunnya tuh such a crybaby dan Chanyeolnya panikan tapi ngemong? Kalau ada please recommend.


@lovecyhun yaaaahhh maunya romance, kurang suka brothership 


ada sih kak tapi lebih ke brothership konteksnya 


Good morning, New York! So happy to be back for Christmas and New Year's eve! Sebenarnya ini liburan yang sudah direncanakan sejak jauh hari, tapi ternyata pas banget beririsan dengan masa awal Sehun wamil, jadi anggap aja healing. Ingin update satu cerita, sudah ada niat tapi tangan dan dan otak mager banget.