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@makingthingshappen1 that's actually true, that's why I have trouble reading bwwm. It makes so mad, there is usually no diversity at all! All boys are white, either cheating their girlfriends with MC or being in love with her! There's what, one or two black boys they talk about one or twice, no Hispanic, Arabs, Asians (Indians), just the Europeans. Like you're gonna go for interracial stuff, put the minimum of diversity there! There are all kind of beauties around the world, but they gotta make it all about white people. Huh? Makes no sense for me. Black aren't even well portrayed, talking about moderns fics. That's the worst!
Plus, They throw either the fatal beauty combo/bad bitch or the pretty plus sized girl supra shy and insecure! Like please, make an effort, not everybody is that way! More personality please!! We gotta relate! And really, if you gonna try and pull that insecure shit, try atleast to make it so she does not search her white boy validation!! Yeah, not everybody loves themselves but that does not mean they need validation from other people, especially men. That's stupid af.