Y'all, my sister goes to fifth grade this year and I was contemplating life today, as one does, and I was just watching her and my parents talk when I realized, they kinda still... Baby her, a lot? I don't know if that makes sense but like when I was in fifth I practically considered myself a young adult/teenager.Seriously.And I wasn't even in middle school yet. But I didn't give myself that title for no reason, I did all my homework and projects without help, helped my sis with her own school work, even did my own hair in the mornings and sometimes hers. And here she is, not even able to wash her own hair or like study for her own exams? My mom and dad still help her? Not fair. I feel like I grew up too quick. #eldestchildproblems
@maknae_ontop2001 SAME- I was 'supposed to be' an adult by grade 4/grade 5 and my sister is there and like- she's still called a baby lol. I don't even think about it anymore