this message may be offensive
Howdy Gang!! So I’m making an announcement about sum, because I genuinely feel very guilty about it. Basically, I’ve been chronically offline for about three months now, maybe a little less, and I’ve completely neglected my Applyfic responsibilities and forms, yk all that good stuff. I’ve left a lot of headers up for characters, who I know that I likely will not be able to finish. I’ve been putting off making this announcement, because it feels so awkward, but it’s more than necessary, since it’s so inconsiderate of me not to take authors and their time into consideration. I would never do it intentionally, but it’s a bad habit I’ve fallen into. Which is why I’m cutting down the amount of forms I’m doing, and rather than overbooking shit, I’m going to take it one form at a time. This is not me like, ditching the applyfic community, I love y’all, just need a little self-awareness once in a while. Yeah, I’m sorry chat, this was not a good Mako moment, do not clip this, please. Hoping I can make up for it, and you guys are awesome, so yeah‼️