fml u know

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HAHAH UPDATE ON THAT HANNAH SHIT LMAOOO alright so at lunch (hannah had period b lunch which was after ours) her little friend was sitting at our table and out of no where butted her crimson chin ugly ass self into it and started harassing me about it ??? like ?? ok ???? ur irrelevant ??? she obviously had no idea what shewas talking about because she hadnt seen the entire convo between hannah and i which was pretty fuckin obvious !! and i was defending myself calmly and then her FRIEND WHO DOESNT EVEN TALK TO HANNAH STARTED GANGING UP ON ME TOO TO "defend" THE ONE WHO WAS HARASSING ME ABOUT IT LIKE WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU I DOMT EVEN KNOW YOUR LAST NAME WHAT THE LIVING FUVK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH YOU OH MY FUVKING GOD I HATE EVERYONE THAT HAS A VAGINA LITERALLY CHOKE YOURSELF so i ditched bio and spent a whole 85 minute class period in guidance because i was so pissed off and crying because i was pissed and crying because i looked weak by crying bc i was pissed u know it was a big mess. like hannahs not realizing that she pushed away everyone for her new little friend. she has her and ellie. no longer me and no longer iz and no longer abby and lucas and everyone. so suck my dick. ive actually made a lot of new friends lately and dont need ur backstabbing, lying ass. go frick urself. anyways, i had sbard (the teacher i love) talk to the assistant princaple again and im 99% sure we're all having a gang meeting tmmrw !!!!!!!! lets go !!!!!!!! happy birthday to meeee !!!!!!

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omfggggggg i literally 100% lost my best friend today its fucking great. so it all started when she blew me off last week which i posted somewhere in heal, and now shes all pissed off and trying to get all my other friends to hate me so during lunch she took my other friend iz and went away for a bit and iz came back crying and grabbed her shit and left. and i was like wtf so i followed her and shes like "hannah showed me the texts you sent to her about me" and all i said was that i didnt believe iz when she told me se lost ten pounds lol, so i calmed iz down and said that wd're best friends and pretty much sisters, we've had ups and downs but we always get over it and yes we shit on each other a lot and im learning from my mistakes and i really sincerely apologized and we made a joke of it and we're 110% fine now, we love each other to death. so we went back to the caf and then i stepped out to call my father to tell him what hannah had just done and he gave me advice and by then my anger caught up to me and i was so pissed off that hannah would put izzy in the middle of this. so i lost my shit and bawled my eyes out, went back to the caf and grabbed my favorite teacher sbard (everyone calls her that) and told her what happened so im pretty sure that hannah and iz and i have a meeting tomorrow with the assistant princaple lets goooo !!! moral of the story, im extremelyyy pissed at hannah now only because she would put izzy in that type of situation. who the fuck does that lmaoooo

rly sad that i dont like queen as much as i want to//:::::

one of my dogs has cancer and the other one is dying of old age lol nice

im so paranoid that you lowkey know this account and im terrified to post anything ive been doing lolz-miss you though dude. a lot. im really looking forward to maybe start over one day.

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fucking shitfaced man

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i started talking to an old friend almost a week or so ago again. it was fun the first couple days and im trying to keep things going and everything and i wish you knew this account so you could see me say this but nothing i do feels fucking right with anyone. im not sad anymore about the loss of you-ive accepted how things are-but im not feeling the same with anyone else as i did with you and it scares me so fucking much

ur moms box