@cubexgirl guess what I started task 1 at 2am and slept at 3am, woke up at 6am to finish task 2 and completed task 3 during lessons and got the damn thing done by 6th period > < drew out every drop of juice fm my brain
@malaveri_falling congratz on finishing it on time!!! nina did the same thing as u did actually lol....but im worse. i actually stopped writing task 3 cuz i wanted to watch castle and then after it finished it was alrdy 11:30 and im like 'F IT, LET ME FAIL FOR ALL I CARE' and then i just handed it in the next day. awesome.
@cubexgirl guess what I started task 1 at 2am and slept at 3am, woke up at 6am to finish task 2 and completed task 3 during lessons and got the damn thing done by 6th period > < drew out every drop of juice fm my brain