
          	omg where do i even start with this man bro. i have so many things to say but im gonna keep this short and simple. i can’t believe this man is 31 like wtf i swear you were just 16 yesterday..?? i love this man so freaking much it’s actually bad. i go to him for comfort, when im having a bad day, and just in general. this man along with the other boys saved me and i can’t thank them enough. not to mention.. HES LEGIT THE NICEST PERSON EVER AND HIS DIMPLES AND SMILE AND JUST EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS PERFECT LIKE WHATT STOP BEING SO PERFECT ALL THE TIME. anyways, i can’t wait for hs4 and this is already getting to long so i’ll end hereeeeee. I LOVE THIS MAN SO MUCH OMGGQIWOKWOWOW I HOPE HE HAS THE BEST BIRTHDAY AND YEAR EVER!!


          omg where do i even start with this man bro. i have so many things to say but im gonna keep this short and simple. i can’t believe this man is 31 like wtf i swear you were just 16 yesterday..?? i love this man so freaking much it’s actually bad. i go to him for comfort, when im having a bad day, and just in general. this man along with the other boys saved me and i can’t thank them enough. not to mention.. HES LEGIT THE NICEST PERSON EVER AND HIS DIMPLES AND SMILE AND JUST EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS PERFECT LIKE WHATT STOP BEING SO PERFECT ALL THE TIME. anyways, i can’t wait for hs4 and this is already getting to long so i’ll end hereeeeee. I LOVE THIS MAN SO MUCH OMGGQIWOKWOWOW I HOPE HE HAS THE BEST BIRTHDAY AND YEAR EVER!!


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dude what the actual fuck is going on. 
          i can’t stop crying.
          i’m literally sick to my stomach
          i don’t believe it.
          i don’t know how im gonna move past this.
          it all feels so surreal.
          i feel like im in a nightmare waiting to wake up.
          i am literally not okay