yeah im pretty sure yall can guess what exactly i'm about to say, given my extreme inactivity these past few months so i've been on wattpad for almost two years and i've loved every second of it. however, ever since i've changed accounts, i've had a complicated relationship with my writing motivation. the truth is i'm just not that much into writing fiction nowadays. like i'm still writing on my tumblr and stuff but, idek, i just don't love it as much as i used to. i've found that i prefer writing about non fiction more than fiction, plus, i've been busy with school, my future, my fan accounts and a lot of stuff and i didn't really find time to work on my wattpad books. as much as it saddens me, i've decided that i'm leaving wattpad. for good. i've made some AMAZING friends on this app [@Kayleigh-Imagines @louissrose- @1-800-DRUKKARI @J0ANOFARC , love yall] and had a lot of good times here but i really don't think i should stay on this app any longer my socials will still be on my bio if you'd like to stay in touch i'm sorry if this was rambly lol, i love you guys, thank you for all your support, i appreciate it sm and i'll miss yall <3 - A

@maliasmelcdy awh hun i'm gonna miss your writing :( but it's okay, do wtv's best for u, ily and will miss u on this app <3