
hi guys!! I just wanted to let you know that due to some exams and projects I need to complete for school, working with you sadly won't be updated today :( I'm really sorry to say that, especially since it was only getting better and better, but I've tried many ways and there's no other option. If everything goes well this week for school, I'll update working with you on Friday.


hi guys!! I just wanted to let you know that due to some exams and projects I need to complete for school, working with you sadly won't be updated today :( I'm really sorry to say that, especially since it was only getting better and better, but I've tried many ways and there's no other option. If everything goes well this week for school, I'll update working with you on Friday.


hi everyone... 
          I know that maybe some of you are wondering why chapter 5 of working with you isn't out yet and for that I apologize. I've been so busy with preparing for exams week and other things going on that I haven't had any time to write let alone even read. BUT hopefully after this week once exams are done I can post more chapters and be frequent with them !!
          thanks for checking out working with you so far :)
          PS: there will be so many cute scenes and interesting things that'll happen in WWY, so I hope you guys continue to stick along ;)


hi everyone!! I just wanted to let you all know that the next chapter of "working with you" might be posted this sunday or on monday :) I also wanted to say that I might have a schedule and that you might all see new episodes every sunday :)


hii besties :) I just uploaded the first chapter of a cute little project I've been working on for a couple of weeks now and I hope you guys enjoy it :) I love these characters already and IM SO EXCITED to write some scenes I have planned ;) I may not be able to post daily because of life and school but I'll try the best I can! :)