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Thanks @DannehPol02 for tagging me! The rules: - It is necessary to post all the rules. - You have to say 13 thinks about yourself. - You can't refuse. - You shall complete this in one week, or the given punisvment by the tagger. - You shall tag 15 other people to do this. 1. I'm from England 2. I've been to 3 One Direction concerts 3. I've been to 2 5SOS concerts 4. I went to tatinof 5. I'm really good at keeping secrets 6. I'm also really bad at keeping secrets when the person who told me it is someone I don't particularly care for 7.I love heights but they scare the shit out of me which is pretty weird 8. I don't really have friends, I mean I have acquaintances but not proper friends 9. I ugly cry... A lot 10. I am happier alone, like when your sim has the lone wolf trait 11. I don't really make my charters suffer from/be things I can't relate to (other than in Summer camp I can't relate to what is gonna happen to Chloe but you'll have to wait and see what that is ;) ) 12. I am really positive about myself like I'm a bigger girl and I love my body but even I have my down days 13. I care about you so if you ever need to talk to someone I am here to listen Okay sorry I might tag someone who doesn't know me oops @michaelhazza121 @CalumsDxck @music_is_my_escape02 @bxndtxbers @xxNebula @lovelaughnsmile @moranilicious @Fabulous_Killjoy2000 @That-Ginger-Nerd I don't know any others lol I'm such a rebel going against the rules boom!