
Hello!! In one week I’ll be giving time to everyone who supported my books to read this announcement :D, I’m sorry to say that I’ll be deleting this book since I’ve lost inspiration to write :(. I used to have stories in mind that I thought about writing, but then I decided to give those story ideas to a friend of mine who I’ve also met online, they’ll be the ones to make my ideas into stories, but dw they’e gonna give me credit although I’m no longer here on Wattpad! So if I delete this account, that also means I’m going to delete my svt oneshots story!! I’m so glad that everyone supported my book, I remember those days where I get so happy whenever I gain a ton of reads, I remember that one happy moment I had as soon as I saw my book reach 14k!?!? I never thought I’d get that much reads because I thought my stories were so bad, but anyways I’m still happy, but sadly that book must come to an end :(. Thank you all for the support although I’m a very small account. Goodbye to all and have a nice day!!


Hello!! In one week I’ll be giving time to everyone who supported my books to read this announcement :D, I’m sorry to say that I’ll be deleting this book since I’ve lost inspiration to write :(. I used to have stories in mind that I thought about writing, but then I decided to give those story ideas to a friend of mine who I’ve also met online, they’ll be the ones to make my ideas into stories, but dw they’e gonna give me credit although I’m no longer here on Wattpad! So if I delete this account, that also means I’m going to delete my svt oneshots story!! I’m so glad that everyone supported my book, I remember those days where I get so happy whenever I gain a ton of reads, I remember that one happy moment I had as soon as I saw my book reach 14k!?!? I never thought I’d get that much reads because I thought my stories were so bad, but anyways I’m still happy, but sadly that book must come to an end :(. Thank you all for the support although I’m a very small account. Goodbye to all and have a nice day!!