So um yeah...I have something to tell you all...
I haven't been really honest with what's been going on and after such a long time of holding it in, I've come to the conclusion that it's best for it to become known.
If you don't want to hear about my personal issues that's fine but I want to be honest, that's all.
So, its official, I finished "Within the Mist" for those of you who didn't know. Now, it wasn't an ending of satisfaction for me personally, it was more of a relief. So you can sort of say that I rage quit. I never had any passion for that story ever, but I went in and wrote it, on the brink of quitting so many times along the way. I would've done it, but at that point, it was too late and not wanting to come to terms with the fact that I wanted to quit was a feeling that I just pushed away, ignoring the side of myself telling me to let go but I didn't, refusing to let myself go that route. I was thinking that if I quit, I would be a failure, but that was before I saw through things. Ignoring what I was feeling the wrong thing of me to do, for many reasons and I had become used it. But I have come to my senses now, seeing the reality of things and what I did wrong. Failure is a scary thing but continuing on with a story that I absolutely hated was a failure all in itself and I can see that now. I would've gone with my gut feeling of quitting it, but myself at that time went ahead and ignored it and all my desires all together, the nagging thought of being a failure driving me further to go on with it. But with being writing the final chapter, something inside broke and that was when I knew I had to be honest with myself and stop unnecessarily torturing myself and let it go. So, what I'm saying is, I'm going to take some time to reassess myself and focus on other things that I genuinely care about. I will still be voting and reading other stories, but for the meantime, I will be taking much needed break. Goodbye...