
;    imma  bring  her  back  too  so  cb  &&  i'll  get  to  them  in  the  morning


          	  //On /survivorsphone, if you don't mind? <3


;    imma  bring  her  back  too  so  cb  &&  i'll  get  to  them  in  the  morning


            //On /survivorsphone, if you don't mind? <3


;   cb  and  drop  and  i  pinky  promise  to  actually  get  to  them ??


;   bringing  her  back  too  so  cb  n  specify !!


*    could  not  be  later  but  here  &&   birdscalled-  !!


▇   ֶֶֶֶָָָ֪֪֪֪֪֪            late     but      duh!!!


*       ʳᵉᵐᵒᵗᵉ ᵛⁱᵉʷⁱⁿᵍ ˡᵒᶜᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿ ﹕  ᵗʰᵉ ᵃᵇⁱˡⁱᵗʸ ᵗᵒ ˡᵒᶜᵃᵗᵉ ʷʰᵒᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᵘˢᵉʳ ᶜʰᵒᵒˢᵉˢ ᵃᵗ ᵃⁿʸ ᵍⁱᵛᵉⁿ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ ᵒʳ ᵖˡᵃᶜᵉ.
          ms.   arellano,    i  can  do  it.
          {    crazy.    that  is  how  many  adults  see  the  youngest  hopper  whenever  she  tries  to  speak  of  her  abilities,     seen  so  annoyingly  as  a  persistent  child  in  pure  desperation  rather  than  taken  seriously.     they,   like  her  peers,   laughed  at  her   --    called  her  delirious.    delusional.    hopelessly  hopeful,   enough  so  to  fool  herself  with  ease.    it  is  both  a  blow  to  heart  and  soul  to  be  doubted  by  those  who  had  been  just  as  desperate  before  she  revealed  what  she  knew,    but  ms.  arellano  would  not  laugh  at  her.
          she  has  faith  in  that.
          not  one  soul  has  heard  from  carrie  since  robin's  disappearance  eight  days  ago.    she  has  not  left  her  house,   spending  every  waking  moment  pushing  harder  than  she  ever  knew  she  was  capable  of.    finding  robin,    vance,   griffin,   bruce,   billy  ---    that  is  not  just  a  goal  anymore.    by  the  grace  of  god  or  an  early  grave,     she  will  make  it  a  reality.
          so  here  she  is  now,   sitting  on  the  familiar  floor,   two  days  sleepless,    cold  after  walking  in  november's  torment,    and  determined.    one  hand  clutches  a  blindfold,    the  other  an  open  pack  of  tissues,   and  she  is  ready.     ready  to  give  SOMEONE  hope.    }       i  know  he  is  alive.     i  can  prove  it.     i ..  promise.


BE  BRAVE,    @mamaphones  :
            sí.      {    her  movements  are  swift  and  precise  as  she  pulls  together  the  materials,     heart  racing  with  the  adrenaline  pumping  her  veins.     the  possibility  of  being  crazy  has  passed  through  her  mind  before,    despite  knowing  her  own  mind  all  too  well,     and  it  does  such  now.    because  if  she  is  wrong,    she  is  failing  the  people  who  mean  the  most.
            if  second  guessing  oneself  was  a  game,   she  would  win.
            the  blindfold  is  pulled  around  her  eyes  with  a  practiced  handiwork,    dark  hues  closing  with  the  familiar  pressure.     deep  down,     carrie  is  more  than  willing  to  damn  herself  to  the  death  predicted  for  her  if  it  means  saving  those  she  loves  so  dear,     but  speaking  such  truths  creates  an  argument  she  cannot  run  through  again.    she  knows  full  and  well  that  ms.  arellano,    much  like  carrie's  own  mother,    deserve  to  have  the  relief  and  comfort  of  their  sons  being  alright.     of  their  sons  being  a͟l͟i͟v͟e͟ .
            the  knot  tightens  once.   twice.    each  breath  drawn  is  even  in  her  nerves,     fearful  of  what  may  be  waiting  versus  what  may  already  be  gone,     but  she  cannot  think  like  that  now.    }        i  will  be  okay.    i  will . . .  stop.     if  it  starts  to  hurt.      ( .. )      but  i  will  find  him.     i  promise.     he  will . . .  i  will  find  a  way  to  bring  him  home.


@grabbersees- ✿  ᵎᵎ  ꕤ     (     crazy    is    not    carrie.     not    esta    niña    preciosa.     crazy    is    those    people    who    are    in    prison.     crazy    is    the    man    who    kidnapped    her    son.     but    carrie?     she    is    the    farthest    thing    from    crazy.     maggie    believes    this    much    to    be    true.     and    she    will    stick    by    it    until    she    dies. 
            but    this    does    not    mean    she    doesn't    worry.     worry    may    as    well    be    her    middle    name.     she    has    worried    for    her    sons    more    times    than    she    can    count,     and    ever    since    carrie    came    into    the    picture,     she    became    a    victim    of    the    major    worry    as    well.     so    of    course    the    worry    strikes    as    she    holds    onto    a    cup    of    chamomile    tea,     ready    to    be    sipped—and    spilled— at    any    given    moment.     )        estás    segura,     carrie?     no    quiero    que    tu    are    pushing    yourself    too    much.         (     her    accent    is    heavy    as    she    suddenly    switches    languages,     leaving    her    with    a    strange    pronunciation    of     her    ending    words.     she    needs    to    work    on    that    more,     but    she    feels    like    preparing    a    wet    towel    instead,     just    in    case    that    may    help    the    younger.     )