hello mamiyuk! i’ve noticed that your amazing story is gone.☹️ would you mind telling me why? i quite enjoyed the story and was waiting for new chapter every day! i hope this message gets to you and that you get it back on your page! with love, SHOUYOUTHEWORLD❤️
omg hi! totally no worries! thanks for reaching out 3 years later. fortunately, i am no longer a minor. i am now 19 so that won’t be problem at all! i hope you are doing well with therapy and. i don’t mind you touching me at all, it really would be an honor to have your hands on me!
hey my life has been a movie a lot of ups and downs well for starters i was in jail for battery charges and sexual assault but im changing i go to therapy everyday to refrain myself from touching any minors or young adults i am on the registered sex offenders list so u might have to watch out for me if I try to touch in any inappropriate places but you can feel safe around me.