@falloutariana i really really love the cover of uptown funk they did with set it off. And their slsp and ain't it fun covers. I just love them all tbh
@ideologys oh gosh i havent been on in a really long time because life got kinda heavy but i know :( i can't believe the way they treated chris's character in general... the writers just kinda gave up on him i guess. besides, lorenzo deserves better and i'm honestly happy he's moved on from that mess because the fans sorta treated him like sh*t and all
When are you going to update Drown????????????!!!!!!? I need more Chris! Him and I can start a Psycho family! Why? Because every "what fictional character are you" quiz I get the Psycho! ✂
Haha I'm working on the chapter, I have been for a few weeks because I've had serious writers block! But hopefully sometime this week! Thanks for checking out the story
@VoidGustavo Im sorry to say this, But Chris is probably the 2nd centered person in the show. Besides Nick. I mean considering he's a psycho and all. And I agree with you he isn't appreciated. But he is the most well developed character in the show.
Oh thank you! That means a lot!! I might put it up again someday, I just didn't like where it was going, and it wasn't getting a lot of attention anymore. Along with a lot of my other stories! I'm sorry I took it down though :( thanks for reading!!
@octavicblake this is so sweet! thank you! i'm gonna check out the rest of yours when i have time because your chris manawa story is great, and you're a really great writer!