
Hello readers! 
          	It's been a while since I last published Chapter 6. I've been occupied planning what will be happening in the following chapters. I can't promise that I will publish it soon because I have to stay off writing for two weeks in June. 
          	P.S: I'm working on a new apologue which will be published on a mobile application Episode Interactive. I'm considering publishing it on Wattpad once I publish the first three chapters of the spiel.
          	Thank you for reading Obsidian & Azure Chivalry.


Hello readers! 
          It's been a while since I last published Chapter 6. I've been occupied planning what will be happening in the following chapters. I can't promise that I will publish it soon because I have to stay off writing for two weeks in June. 
          P.S: I'm working on a new apologue which will be published on a mobile application Episode Interactive. I'm considering publishing it on Wattpad once I publish the first three chapters of the spiel.
          Thank you for reading Obsidian & Azure Chivalry.


It's been a quite a while since I published the previous chapter. Yes, I know I said that I would be back in less than three weeks but the exams were kind of wearing me off but what matters now is that I'm back on track. However even though I have just uploaded the sixth chapter, I still need to edit the chapter just a little bit. 
          Thank you for the cooperation. 


Hello!  As you know or may not know, I'm currently working on "Stabbed With A Smile". Chapter 4 will be released soon. I would appreciate if you read and share it on other social networks, it would mean a lot to me. Thanks. 
          -Mandii ❤️