
Thanks for reading all about Pete and Daisy and blitzing up the votes ❣️I hope you’re enjoying their story ❣️


Thanks so much! I love knowing you guys enjoy my work, it means so much to know there are readers who love my characters as much as I do!


@TaniHanes Mention Not 
            I had indeed very much enjoyed reading about the lives of Pete and Daisy and their four beautiful Flowers. It had been a very emotional... Pretty much a roller coaster ride for me while reading your book.I tell you I had experience ever emotions there is to be felt By a person while reading about Pete n Daisy.... I have no words to describe it! If I were to describe your book in one word it would be.... Beautiful     
            You are doing great and please continue to do so... I love your work!!! Cant wait to read the third book...


Thank you for following :) 
          Thanks for reading Kairos-Lust and for voting, that's awesome of you. 
          Thanks for the vote on A Totally Not Gay Threeway too. 
          I hope you're excited about book 2 Kairos-Blood :) 


@manee_pretty Thanks so much for answering and wow! The positive things you have said just gave me goosebumps :D I'm happy and thrilled you're enjoying my writing! *hugs*


Mention not pal.. your work deserve a lot more than just a mere vote 
            "A Totally Not Gay Threeway" was........YEHET!! I totally enjoyed the.. ahem.. Steamy Session your book is what let me to read "Down" I don't know which couple to ship  I'm on for Threeway  
            n about Kairos!!! Don't ask.... I'm totally on for Book too... Can't wait to get tangled in da readings... I really love the way you write  keep up da work.... I'll be looking forward to it 