
    **   CB  + SPECIFY  


/ late but intrigued or hostile pls <3


||   um um um suspicious or uhhh idec give me whatever


&.         short spam between intrigued, first meet and hostile here and on;   @dolose pls. 


   the  lures.ᐣ  oh  i  made  them  all  myself. 


            [  eyes  traced  his  exposed  forearms,  curiosity  flooding  his  features. it  looked  to  be  some  very  nasty  scars. the  skin  around  the  claw  marks  lighter  than  the  rest.  his  lips  pursed  slightly  before  he  shifted  his  gaze  away  entirely,  not  wanting  to  stare  of  course.  ]  thank  you  very  much.  i  learned  when  i  was  a  kid  and  i  just ..  never  stopped.  although  they  improved  obviously  i  learned  what  lure  to  use  when  i  was  looking  to  catch  a  specific  fish.  i  know  this  might  be  uh —  personal  but  what  happened .ᐣ  [  he  gestured  slightly  to  scarred  skin.  ]


@empathybydesign    ♱
            ⁕ he whistles low with admiration at the handy work, crouching down to observe the lures in their glory. his sleeves are rolled up to his forearms, exposing the scarred flesh that has healed. it looks as if a large animal left a set of claw marks to that section of his arm towards his shoulder. the detective smells of smoke and hints of whiskey. ⁕ that is some handy work ── you've got some real talent. I'm apologizing for the intrusion but i sure ain't apologizing for this work. bait don't work like it used to. 


this message may be offensive
⠀⠀⠀    ⠀⠀fuck.  


@hyrded   ♱   
            ⁕ the flames of the fire roar on. the glass that he had thrown in it pops and crackles glows beautifully. his eyes flutter in and out of focus. the bourbon sits on his tongue. it does not convince that sinking feeling in his gut to quiet down. his voice is slurred. when he does open his eyes, they are bloated with more emotion than he has ever displayed. ⁕ its going to come get me ─── then it will just be me and it. you hear me? it's coming ... 


⠀⠀⠀    ⠀⠀you know..               i quit. i should just leave you out here, yeah. 


⠀⠀⠀    ⠀⠀you’re quite heavy.      how wasted are you?      can you hear me at least? 


⠀⠀⠀    is there a reason i’m seeing your face first thing in the morning?     go back to your cave.


@hyrded     ♱
            i need a shower. ⁕he attempts to state with a flat tone despite the appearance he carries. the sun is just barely awaking and that is for the best because it certainly does not deserve to be smothered in the walking curse that is othello. sterling's curls are slick with dirt and water. the swamp is smeared upon his attire. his breathing is heavy as if he had been running on fumes. his hands are shaking from the effort of standing. he stops his teeth from chattering. ⁕ you can either tell me to get a move on or let me in. the sun is coming up. they'll catch a glimpse of me and start hollering up a storm. 


⠀⠀⠀    how dare you?        i was enjoying my sweets. 


@hyrded    ♱
            at seven in the morning. ⁕ sterling chunks the candied goods on top the old filing cabinet. the scent of coffee wafts into the stale air, giving it life for a split second. the mug gets placed by candied goods as he pulls his silver belt through the belt loops of his jeans. he twists his wrist to focus on the watch. it never stops. that devil of a preacher must be giving the first sermon of the morning. that irritating voice demanding to be relieved of its sins. this town needed something and it wasn't religious based. not from some monster in a suit. ⁕ needin' something? other than tooth rot. you know there ain't no good dentist 'round here. you'd have to go six miles north to get a decent cleaning. 


⠀⠀⠀    no, no.        nope.       absolutely not. 


@hyrded   ♱
            * the southern heat is sweltering. majority of the town has quit the mines and resorted to taking den in the nearby bar. the light brown hair upon his head is bleached in it. it rakes through the strands with mean intent.  the detective bends down into the undergrowth, snagging his fingers on the torn fence. the prints that were left behind are identical to the bruises slithering down his neck but they'll never know that until they reach the tree at the edge of the clearing. the bruises are in the shape of four claws. he protects his cigarette by cupping his hand around it. he lights it. ⁕ just what are you whisperin' about? 