
I know it's been awhile but how is everyone? ♡ Check out the Passion Projects book and check out my rendention of Queen's most iconic member, Freddie Mercury, as we see his world through the eyes of his teenage daughter, March. 
          	You all make me uwu so hard ♡♡


I know it's been awhile but how is everyone? ♡ Check out the Passion Projects book and check out my rendention of Queen's most iconic member, Freddie Mercury, as we see his world through the eyes of his teenage daughter, March. 
          You all make me uwu so hard ♡♡


this message may be offensive
Just had a fucking panic attack with sobbing my eyes out because my brother pretended he was going to tell my mom about me. CJ. So if I suddenly change my name on here you know why.
          I'll prolly be deleting some of my messages too jic


In honour of Halloween coming out yesterday, I thought I'd revisit an idea I've had stored for years. Something I only keep in my notebooks. I will start writing, on Wattpad, Myers' Legacy. 
          Laurie Strode has passed away. I went to her funeral. Michael Myers' whereabouts are unknown. The house burned along with anyone or anything that dared to stay inside. I never knew if my father escaped. Never once out in public or in the years he went on the run did Michael Myers acknowledge me. I don't want acknowledgement from other people though. The other kids, they know who I am. How it's rumoured I'm supposed to take place of the infamous, hell-like creature of a serial killer known as Michael Myers. I'm Chance Myers, and this, is my own horror story. 


im worried that my girlfriend doesn't actually have feelings for me. like she said she did, but it's hard to believe when she just treats me as her close friend that she calls her girlfriend. idk, should i say something?