
         ⵢ    c....    cb  maybe?


ּ♡    pretty please <3


⿻ ᦃ. What if I hop on crusty man


         ⵢ    c....    cb  maybe?


ּ♡    pretty please <3


⿻ ᦃ. What if I hop on crusty man


     &    ,,     omg hiii


     &    ,,    awe that's so sweet!  the league members deserve better parents...  parent friend supplements!!


         ⵢ    MINE  TOO  LMAOO  especially  toga    &    my  oc..    mom    /    big  sister  vibes  over  here!!    i  love  that    ❛  @V0IICE


     &     ,,    most likely.  she is quite literally a mom for most of the league in my eyes... mainly toga <33 but they'd probably get along so well!!


  [     why  does  he  make  me  feel  strange...      ]     ...         (      the   feeling    disgusted   him   in   a   way,   mostly because   of   the   ignorant   feeling   it   left    him   with.   was    he   to   consult   all   for   one   on    this?   no.   that'd   just  be   a   waste   of   time,   and   there   were   other   matters   he   needed   to   be   doing.   perhaps   kurogiri    could   offer  insight.      he   should    say   something    as   he's   been   staring   intently,  almost    harshly.   emotions   are   such   a   trivial   thing.     ]
                        ৎ.     feelings?? for kenji??? no way... hehe


   huh..      (     he  muttered,  aloud,   not  necessarily  concerned  whether his  lack  of  attention  seemed  rude.   he  was  somewhat  listening,   though  it  was  hard  to  discern  the  importance  of  her  words  compared  to  that  of  his  thoughts.   especially  when  she  was  the  issue.   he  pulled  himself  away,  a  revolting  feeling  at  the  touch.  probably  the  lapse  of  confusion  flooding  over  in  his  brain.  his  affectionate  touching was  not  helping  his  mental   loss.     )     don't   touch   me.     (   tomura  put  it  simply,   though  stared  intently  at  the  place  her  fingers  had  briefly  brushed  upon.    he  almost  got  goosebumps.  how  unnerving.  a  firm  question,  wanting  some  reason  to  blame  him  or  just  an  explanation  in  general.  )    did  you  use  your  quirk..
                      ৎ.   these tomura replies are so not it honestly..  my brain isn't in it imtrying..


         ⵢ    ignore  how  it  took  me  forever  to  reply  to  this..    they  are  Cutiess....


and  after  that,  himiko  practically  begged  me  to  take  her  to  the  park.    so,    obviously  i  took  her!!    late  at  night,    of  course,    so  we  wouldn't  get  seen.    she  seemed  to  enjoy  herself..    (    kenji  continued  to  blabber  about  the  time  he  and  the  girl  had  spent  together  last  night,    unaware  of  the  frightening  expression  that  was  being  directed  towards  him.    after  countless  minutes  of  speaking,    the  blond  realized  how  odd  it  was  that  shigaraki  had  yet  to  speak  a  word  in  response.    not  like  he  added  much  on  to  their  conversations  anyways,    but  he  would  usually  add  in  a  snarky  comment  once  a  while.    he  reaches  over  to  the  other,    gently  brushing  her  fingertips  along  the  man's  arm,    unnerved  by  his  expression.    )    tomura?    are  you  alright,    mon  cher?    you  have  been  quiet..    ❛  @CREM8TE


what   is   it?    we   don't   have   to   leave   until   later.    you're    acting   antsy,  spit   it   out   already–    kenji.


   ugh.   FINE    (    he  itches  at  his  skin  in  frustration,  she  was  already  being  difficult  by  not  explaining  things  this  just  annoyed  him  further.   but  if  it  was  to   get  him  to  relax,   then  it  was  fine.  it   would   be.    )    i'll   let  them  handle  it.   (   using  his  one  gloved  hand,   which  he  always  kept  one  that  way,  tomura  reached  out  to  tug  her  to  sit  down.     )   you're  usually  more  talkative.  really.  spit  it  out  before  i  get  really  pissed.    (   he  retorted,  suppressing  the  urge  to  continue  scraping  away  at  his  skin.   )


i  will  be  fine  for  a  few  more  minutes.    (    stubborn  as  always.    frustration  seeps  into  her  words  at  first,    irritated  that  he  was  trying  to  pass  her  off  to  everyone  else  like  she  was  some  kind  of  burden.    kenji  didn't  want  to  go  with  twice,    or  kurogiri,    she  wanted  to  be  with  him.    the  words  become  meeker,      as  if  begging  to  let  her  stay  with  him.    )    i  would  rather  be  with  you.    please.    ❛  @CREM8TE


   if  it  causes  you  this  much  stress   then   it's   not.   don't  act  stupid.     (    his   deep  red  gaze   briefly   flickers   over   her.   putting  that  into   thought,  before   brushing   the  idea  off.     )    no.   you   wished   to   leave.    kurogiri   can   portal   you   away,    we'll   be   right   behind   you.


 close   my   damn   blinds   or    i'll   kill   you..  (     he   mutters,    eyes   blinking    dryly.    vision    just   barely   clear   enough   for   him    to   see.     tomura    had    been   up    late    playing    ranked    on   league.    a    guilty    pleasure    of    his,   it   seems.     )
                      ৎ.   i'm  gonna  spam  drop  because i have  muse  for  this  loser  dummy  bf  of his.


i   couldn't   care  less  about   the   damn   sun.    blinds.   shut.   (    he sent   a   half   lidded,   eye   glare   towards   kenji.    not   particularly   in  the    mood   for   someone   so energetic. or   for   the   bright   sun   hitting   his  iris'.  though.  he   chose   to   simply  grumble   to   himself   as   he sat   up,   throwing   his   blanket   off   of   him,   then   throwing   his   legs   over   the   side   of   the   bed   so   he   could   rise.    )     it   better   be   a   breakfast   worth   my   time.


the  sun  has  risen,    so  it  is  time  for  us  to  be  awake!    wakey,    wakey!    today  is  a  big  day!    (    seemingly  unbothered  by  the  threat,    kenji  moves  throughout  the  room  with  ease,    kicking  any  trash  that  was  scattered  on  the  floor  to  the  side  before  plopping  down  next  to  the  man  on  his  bed.    the  blonde  reaches  over  to  brush  a  few  blue  strands  of  hair  away  from  tomura's  eyes,  silently  admiring  him  before  beginning  to  speak  again,    this  time  softer.    )    come,  i  made  breakfast  and  coffee.  it  is  growing  cold.    ❛  @CREM8TE  ❜


    nice  place  you're  running  here!     the smell  just  wakes  me  up.


black  on  ice  coming  right  up!    there's  been  a  spike  in  just  plain  black  coffee's  lately,    how  strange..    (    he  mumbles  the  last  part,    mostly  speaking  to  himself  as  he  taps  a  few  buttons  on  the  monitor  between  them.    )    alright,    your  total  should  be  on  the  screen  now!    it  will  just  ask  you  a  few  questions  as  i  start  working  on  that  drink  for  you.    i  will  get  that  out  to  you  soon!!    ❛  @tiimelapsed


    right,  lot  of  things  do.   you should   be   proud!      nah,   just  a  straight  black  on  ice  for  me.    


ohmygosh,    thank  you!!    it's  taken  a  lot  of  time  and  effort,    but  i'm  very  proud  of  it.    is  anything  i  can  get  you  or  did  you  still  need  some  time  to  decide?    ❛  @tiimelapsed  ❜