
Hey, guys, I know it's been a while since I last uploaded but with cheer just starting up, exams, and end of year ceremonies, I have been EXTREMELY busy. I'm going to start working on a new chapter, though, and it'll be up ASAP. Thanks for sticking with me! (:


Hey, guys, I know it's been a while since I last uploaded but with cheer just starting up, exams, and end of year ceremonies, I have been EXTREMELY busy. I'm going to start working on a new chapter, though, and it'll be up ASAP. Thanks for sticking with me! (:


Hii! , I know these are a pain in the ass, but if you wouldnt mind to read my story 
          Dreams into reality , i would love you forever ! well.. that sounded creepy . If you 
          could read it i would be very thankful ! i would also read your story in return. 


          I would really love it if you could please check out my stories, or just one.
          Click on my name <<< over that way if you would like to, it would be greatly appreciated.
          Please Vote, Comment and Fan if you like  :)
          Xx Dimity


Hi! Wondering if you're looking for something new to read? If so, please check out my stories: "Not if You Were the Last Man On Earth" and "The Shoes that Charlotte Wore." Synopsis on my page and let me know if you want me to read yours too. Thnx!


hi i am wondering if you could read my story called. i sold myself to the devil for popularity and beauty. 
          its about a girl whos being bullied at school just because she's a little fat and ugly. everyone hates her. but when she is running from the boy gang who are trying to do things with her. she hides in a hallway and out of no where this beautiful man with violet eyes urgen her to sign the contract that promise her pop and beauty. she hesitate, but thinking that her life couldn't get any worse. turned out she was dead wrong. 
          thanks if you read. 