
Hello there. Just stopping by to say thank you so much for following me.  You're amazing for it and definitely brought a smile to my face ❤ I hope you can find some joy in my account, whether that be from delving into my stories or sending me a PM. If you comment on my stories or PM, apologies if I don't reply right away, but I definitely will :) 
          Hope to see you around on my account! I love making new friends ^.^ 
          - Cross 


Hey! Thanks for all of the support! I noticed you like romance - if you like comedies as well, you might like another one of my books, Cinderella In A Shoe Store. Thanks!~


@mapleprabh Ooh! If you do end up reading it/checking it out, let me know what you think! I'm always looking for feedback to make my writing better.


@Owltothemoon thanks for the suggestion! I will surely check it out!


After you read this you have to send it to send it to 15 People.
          Your next five days will be like this
          Day 1- you will wake up with the biggest shock of your life
          Day 2- you will have crossed paths with a friend you have missed
          Day 3- you will find yourself with a lot of money
          Day 4- your day will be perfect
          Day 5- the love of your life will kiss you
          Dont break this. Send it to 15 friends in 10 minutes.
          I sent this to you because I really care about you.